Choosing Between Contact Lenses or Glasses

Shopping for your vision correction can seem like an overwhelming journey. Between contact lenses and glasses, each option offers unique benefits tailored to your individual needs, preferences and lifestyle. We're here to explain the differences between contact lenses and glasses, which will help you make a more informed decision about which vision correction option is best for you. Remember to always speak to your eye care professional about your vision correction needs.

Understanding Contact Lenses
  • Contact lenses are thin, curved medical devices worn directly on the surface of your eye to help correction vision. 
  • Contacts provide a natural field of view without the weight or obstructed view of glasses frames. This makes contact lenses an ideal option for anyone partaking in sports or outdoor activities.
  • Contact lenses are available in various brands and modalities, including daily disposable contacts, extended wear, toric lenses for astigmatism, multifocal lenses for presbyopia and coloured contacts.

Exploring Glasses

  • Glasses, also known as eyeglasses or spectacles, includes lenses that are mounted in a frame, which sits on the bridge of your nose and your ears.
  • Glasses offer a convenient and comfortable option for individuals that prefer to not insert contact lenses into their eyes, or who have eye conditions that making wearing contact lenses challenging.
  • Glasses can be customized with different colours, materials, coating and frame styles to suit your personality, preferences and style.

Factors to Consider

  1. Lifestyle: It's important to consider your lifestyle needs and preferences. For example, are you active in the outdoors or play sports? If so, contact lenses may be more convenient for your needs. Eyeglasses may be better for you if you have an eye condition that makes inserting contact lenses into your eye difficult, or prefer the convenience of quickly putting on a pair of glasses in the morning.
  2. Comfort: Everyone has different needs and comfort levels. Some individuals find contact lenses more convenient and comfortable than glasses, while others may have difficulty or discomfort while wearing contacts.
  3. Maintenance: Contact lenses are medical devices that sit directly on your eye. They require proper cleaning and storage routine to maintain hygiene. Glasses typically require less maintenance, other than a period fit adjustment.
  4. Eye Health: Always consult with your eye care professional to assess your eye health and vision needs to determine which option is best for you.

Whether you opt for the versatility of contact lenses or the timeless appeal of glasses, both options offer effective vision correction solutions to enhance your quality of life. By considering factors such as lifestyle, comfort, maintenance, and eye health, you can make an informed decision that meets your unique needs. Remember to consult with an eye care professional for personalized guidance and recommendations. Whichever option you choose, prioritize your vision health and enjoy the clarity and confidence that comes with clear vision.


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